The laboratory is equipped with several instruments for environmental monitoring


Two stage continuous streakers samplers.

One 13-stage (0.01 - 10 micron) cascade impactor: nanoMOUDI

One  7-stages Battelle cascade impactor.

One sequential TCR-Tecora sampler designed according to CEN standard equipped with PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 inlets.

One real time TEOM equipped with PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 inlets.

One optical particle counter (Grimm) that measures the particle number distribution in 32 dimensional classes with diameters in 0.25-32 mm size range.

One Aethalometer (Mageesci) for the real-time measurement of optically-absorbing "Black" or "Elemental" carbon aerosol particles.



Energy dispersive  X-ray spectrometer (ED2000, Oxford Instruments, Malvern Panalitycal Epsilon 4 Air Quality) to analyse particulate samples by ED-XRF.

Cromatography for ions, cations  and carbohydrates (Thermo)
Home-made X-ray spectrometer for in situ analyses

Thermo-optical  TOC/OC/EC  analyzer- Sunset Laboratory

Multi Wavelength Absorbance Analyzer (MWAA) for the quantification of Black and Brown Carbon carbon deposited on sequential sampler, streaker and cascade impactor stages.

(HP)Ge detector and alfa spectrometer for the analysis of radioactive isotopes in particulate samples.

Electromagnetic  field monitor

Phonometer, Class A



AXIL and GUPIX for the analysis of PIXE and XRF spectra.

STATISTICA for the multivariate analysis.

PMF for the identification of sources number of particulate matter, source profiles and the mass concentration of each source.



Analytic balance Sartorius MC5, placed in a temperature controlled room, for a precise determination of the concentration of atmospheric particulate, according European Community and/or EPA standards.

Oven for the thermic pre-treatment of quartz filters for aerosol sampling.

Ultrasound bath

Temperature and R.U. meters

Optical Microscope with automatic image scanning system

Industrial refrigerator Fiocchetti (T=4°C) and freezer (-18 °C)

Thermostatic chamber for cells culture

Lamina flow hood ASALAIR 1500


Being associated to the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, the Laboratory can access to the LABEC laboratory for the aerosol analysis with IBA (Ion Beam Analysis) and AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry).