Limited-area, hydrostatic numerical weather prediction model BOLAM, developed at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the Italian National Research Council (ISAC-CNR).
Non-hydrostatic atmospheric model WRF-ARW, developed and maintained by the Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
Diagnostic, mass-consistent model WINDS for high-resolution (up to 100 m) 3-D wind field simulations using either surface or aloft wind speed and direction data as well as vertical profiles as inputs.
Meteorological preprocessor ABLE for the computation of atmospheric boundary layer parameters.
Lagrangian multi-source model P6, using plume segments and/or Gaussian puffs to simulate the dispersion of air pollutants. The suite of the three aforementioned codes (WINDS+ABLE+P6),
all developed at the Laboratory, is called the SAFE_AIR model, designed for simulations of air pollutant transport and diffusion above complex terrain at local and regional scales.
Emission preprocessor SMOKE, developed and distributed by CMAS (Community Modeling and Analysis System).
Emission preprocessor NEMO for the computation of natural and biogenic emissions, developed by the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH).
Eulerian photochemical transport model CAMx, developed and distributed by Environ Corporation.
New generation Gaussian plume air dispersion model ADMS 4.2, developed and distributed by CERC (Cambidge Environmental Reasearch Consultants).